MAY 23 — 25, 2025




Entry to all the venues, included in the Ljubljana Art Weekend network, is free from Friday, 24th, to Sunday, 26th of May, every day between 12.00 and 18.00.


Adam York Gregory & Gillian Jane Lees: Different North

@Cukrarna Gallery, Poljanski nasip 40

Choreographed durational performance & a temporary sculpture A Different North is a project about collecting and sharing Norths, it charts new Norths and forgotten Norths. Norths that are changing and ones that will soon be lost.

Over a period of hours, the performer creates 360 compasses through magnetising a pin and placing it on a cork disc within a shallow dish of water. The compasses are arranged on the floor to allow the audience to move between them.

In the frame of PERFORMATIVA, program cycle dedicated to performance. 


ARTWALK: A walk through artists' knowledge
Curated by Zdenka Badovinac

@Meeting Point: Trg francoske revolucije 7, Library of the Institute of Culture and Memory Studies ZRC SAZU (2nd floor)

Zdenka Badovinac's Artwalk will bring us to the Institute for Culture and Memory Studies of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), more precisely to the ambience of its library, where participants will meet Borut Vogelnik (IRWIN) and Đejmi Hadrović, members of two different generations of artists.

The work of both artists goes beyond aesthetic categories, as it also serves as a framework for the production of a different kind of knowledge, namely knowledge about our region in it's broader and narrower sense. Borut Vogelnik, with the IRWIN group, has been working on self-historicisation within the context of Eastern Europe since the early 1990s, while Đejmi Hadrović's work builds a narrative of collective trauma through confrontations with the stories and pain of individuals.

The context of the ZRC SAZU serves as a meeting point for two forms of knowledge: the artists' knowledge generated through their artistic research and science, or more precisely, the culture and memory studies from the area of the former Yugoslavia.

Places are limited. Registration required at hello@ljubljanaartweekend.com.
Please note that Artwak will be conducted in English.

More info


Katarina Stegnar: No one should

@Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Maistrova 3

The performance is part of the VN20 project organised by VIA NEGATIVA on the occasion of their twentieth anniversary.

17.00 & 19.30

Dance Installation
Snježana Premuš & Anja Bornšek: Touch Tissue Fabric (45’)

@Cukrarna Gallery, Poljanski nasip 40

The dance installation Touch Tissue Fabric deals with "encounter". The artists open up the encounter as a space that co-creates and needs outside space, but also touches and transforms inner spaces. It is a kind of movement, a state of deep mutual concentration ensuing from the sensual-contemplative-physical, that reacts to all the present elements. Together with visual artist Špela Škulj and musician Ida Hiršenfelder, along with the visitors to the installation, they extend the dialogue to the various spheres of "touch" (tangible, perceived/felt, material/transient, intimate/shared, haptic/visual/audible). 

In the frame of PERFORMATIVA, program cycle dedicated to performance

17.50 & 20.20

Matej Andraž Vogrinčič: Trip (5’)

@Cukrarna Gallery, Courtyard, Poljanski nasip 40 

The evocatively titled Trip is a happening by Matej Andraž Vogrinčič, the second part of a trilogy concerned with the mental and physical space of Cukrarna and its surroundings. For the spatial intervention On the Way, the artist used the crushed brick tiles left over from the renovation of the building, while for his new project, he collected thousands of maple seeds in the vicinity of Cukrarna over a period of almost two years. Before our eyes, the artist will transpose these so-called flying seeds, with their specific shape and ability to fly, into a suspended state of travelling around the space. The seeds will "fly out" of the time collector and attempt to elicit transience, time and travel in our minds through their poetic journey as the beginning of something new and unrepeatable.

Maximum number of participants: 30. Registration required: info@cukrarna.art.


Round table discussion
Ask, answer, adapt, repeat. Curating for longevity in times of hyperproduction

@Cukrarna Gallery, Poljanski nasip 40

Guests: Caterina Avataneo, Tereza Jindrová, Marijana Schneider, Ana Simona
Moderated by: Ajda Ana Kocutar (ETC.)

The round table will present the practices of four international contemporary art curators working in different contexts, ranging from institutional frameworks to freelancing, constantly switching between different positions within the art system. Through the moderated discussion, we will try to shed light on what the role of the curator is and what the principles of curating are today, as well as how curatorial practices are influenced by production and financial conditions, certain trends in art, digital media, social networks, etc. 

More info 


Essa Grayeb: a presentation of artist in residence
@Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Maistrova ulica 3

Essa Grayeb is an visual artist based in Jerusalem whose practice traverses a range of media, primarily photography, moving images, and installation. Some of Grayeb’s works are made from objects, footage, and sounds that already exist, which he appropriates and manipulates while constantly weaving in and out of reality and fiction. Grayeb’s work delves into narratives of the past and their contemporary interpretation, often related to Arab nationalism and Pan-Arabism.

At the exhibition Constellations of Multiple Wishes: Along the Eastern Horizon Essa will present his long-term research into the material and visual representations of the U.A.R. (United Arab Republic), a union that gave the doctrine and sentiment of “the Arab nation” a tangible reality, and while one of its principal aims was to achieve a form of pan-Arab solidarity, this quickly gave way to many disappointments.


Exhibition opening
@City Art Gallery Ljubljana, Mestni trg 5

Mladen Stropnik: adijo pastry
Survey exhibition

Curated by: Barbara Sterle Vurnik


Exhibition opening 
@Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Maistrova 3

Constellations of Multiple Wishes: Along the Eastern Horizon
Group exhibition

Artists: Ala Younis, Alia Farid, Basim Magdy, Essa Grayeb, Free Palestine Poster Project, KURS (Miloš Miletić & Mirjana Radovanović), The Non-Aligned Art Collection Laboratory (Omar Bsoul, Kareem Dabbah, Inji Efflatoun, Mamdouh Kashlan, Choukri Mesli, Khudhair Shakirji), Larry Achiampong, Mona Benyamin, Nika Autor

Curated by:
Bojana Piškur, Angelina Radaković


Sound performance
Marko Batista: Sonic Geometry of Space (30’)

@Cukrarna Gallery, Poljanski nasip 40

The works of intermedia artist Marko Batista are concerned with homemade electro-acoustic processes at the intersection of electronic sound, technology and contemporary art. As part of Performativa, he will present a new sonic piece which is an offshoot from the installation featured in the Extended Vision exhibition and his extensive years of sound experimentation, since his work is rooted in the examination of the phenomenology of sound resonances within the space and the development of dynamic, self-generating systems. 

In the frame of PERFORMATIVA, program cycle dedicated to performance.



